In amongst the cooking prep in our brand new place, the study (new for 2016), the content creation work (also new for 2016) and being with all three children (yep, another gift of 2016) there’s been one big thing on my mind over the past two days; setting my intentions (or #goals, if you will) for 2017. I don’t think I am alone in feeling as though 2016 was a challenging year! In my case, on a personal level, the year was one of huge circumstantial changes and massive introspection. As a result, despite the many positives that have come my way, it has been exhausting and a little emotionally tumultuous! Let’s just say, I am ready to be done with this year and to move onto 2017, with hopes that it will be more grounded, balanced and even more fruitful than this year… not just for me but for the entire planet! I think we deserve a break from the intensity!
So, to my vision board. You may know by now that I swear by them, and my personal New Year’s ritual (which also includes meditation) would not be complete without the creation of one. You may also notice that my mood board themes are spookily similar. Personally, I don’t find it strange. There are subtle differences, but certain things such as family, food, wellbeing and travel are always going to be important to me… so they’re bound to feature heavily.
From my pre-NYE Instagram post:
“Some last reflections for 2016. I realise I’ve spent much of my life downplaying ‘me’, worried about what others would think of me if they saw it all; my triumphs, my fears, my battles, my talents… the whole package. In my past I often settled for second (or third ) best from others whilst knowing I was probably worth more. There’s a saying that you have to teach people how to treat you (something along those lines, anyway). I was a person who was afraid to do just that. Particularly since having children, I have learned some tough lessons about boundaries. One of which is that you will surely get what you are prepared to accept. That’s across the board. As soon as I started saying to myself “Hold up… I deserve better than this!”, I inevitably got better (whatever “better” was in that instance). ‘Yes’ is a powerful word. It opens the way for new opportunities. But so does the word ‘no’. I’m someone who not only grows attached to things, but feels guilt about letting go/letting down/moving on. I see more & more that the BIG #konmari question “Does this spark joy?”, is a question I not only ask of my possessions today, but of *everything*: opportunities, relationships (on all levels), etc. I don’t have the energy nor the desire to keep up pretences in the face of fear of judgement. There’s no reason why I/you/anyone can’t be all that we’re meant to be *unapologetically*… while also encouraging others (who are keen!) to shine their light. And, as I put the final touches on my vision board for 2017, one of the squares in my collage is a quote I found: “Surround yourself with people who get it”. If you’re reading this and you “get it” thank you very much for being here & hanging out with me! And if you’re shining, SHINE ON! Downplaying to make others ‘comfortable’ is a disservice to them, you & the world! 2017, WE GOT THIS
With that, here’s to the New Year! May 2017 be happy, healthy, love-filled, peaceful and kind (above all things) to all of us!
❤ MM xx
*Borrowing yet again from my post back in 2012, if you want to create your own, you can do so using images sourced online** and a page layout program such as InDesign or make one using magazine images and ye olde cut-and-paste method. If really pressed for time, why not create a Pinterest board called “2017” and fill it with pins of the things you’d like to see manifest in your life with this coming year?
** Picture credits: In this vision board, I have included images by Elsa’s Wholesome Life, Nourish Atelier, Nectar & Stone, Lois Avery, Donna Hay, Food52, @robineleyartist, Barefoot Blonde, The Food Club, Matcha Mylkbar and loads of others (without credits attached, sourced from Tumblr). Please let me know if one of these images is yours so I can credit you! I always try to credit where possible. x